Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An almost-summer weekend

Friday night, Tom took the boys to a local car show.  Natalie was a little upset when she realized she wasn't going along too, but I whispered, "Natalie's, let's watch Jesse tonight!" and that settled her down.  Toy Story 2 works every time.  And I popped popcorn, so when the boys came home they wondered who got the better evening.

Anyway, Lukas thought this truck's company was hysterical, so he had to have a picture with it.
Saturday while Konrad was testing out his new wheels, Lukas worked on learning to pump on the swing (he doesn't get much time on the swing since Natalie's favorite thing is to spin on the swing).

Tom found a Jerusalem Cricket that Konrad was quite excited about.  Konrad must have told me twenty times, "Mom, I have cricket!"

We had so much fun in the backyard that we had our first-of-the-season backyard dinner: hamburgers and corn on the cob.  Natalie loves the potatoes, but also likes the corn when I cut it off the cob.  She's never much into meat, but we can get her to eat it if it has plenty of ketchup on it!
And Lukas discovered the down side of having a loose tooth (he is SO excited about the prospect of losing his first tooth)...it's hard to eat corn on the cob!  I offered to cut the corn off the cob for him, but he didn't want that...instead he ate the corn with the side of his mouth to use teeth that aren't loose.
We're really enjoying the odd weather we've been having:  cooler than normal temperatures and more puffy clouds (usually we have no puffy clouds).  It makes it so fun to stay outside!

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