Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two weeks old

Dominik had his two-week check up yesterday and he had gained 8 ounces over his birth weight and grown 1/2 inch for a total of 8 pounds 13 ounces and 21.5 inches long.  The pediatrician said he's growing well and I assured her he had plenty of wet and dirty diapers, so the feedings are going well. 

Dominik is doing well settling into a 3-hour feeding schedule...once in a while he wants to eat sooner than 3 hours, but usually it's 3 hours or I end up waking him after 4 hours at night.  A couple of nights recently, I fed him so late that he only woke me for one feeding, then his next feeding was shortly before I would normally wake, so I only count that as one overnight feeding.  But the past two nights we were a little off with the timing, so I got up two full times during the night.  I'm usually able to get about a one-hour nap while Konrad and Dominik nap and Natalie's at school...Lukas plays or reads quietly and I regain my sanity.

1 comment:

Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

Yay for growing!:) and Yay for your sanity!