Monday, June 7, 2010

Water for work and play

On Saturday, Tom got to test out his new car wash brush he got for his birthday.  Anytime a new piece of equipment gets used, the kids want to participate, especially if there's water involved.  So washing Tom's van became a family project.  Maybe in a few years their efforts will actually be helpful, but in the meantime we're encouraging their participation even though it makes everything take longer.

Then in the afternoon, the kids ran through Lukas' new sprinkler.  Continuing with his love of sprinklers, the prize he had asked for (besides a meal at the restaurant of his choice) for completing his yellow belt testing in taekwondo was a new "rainbird" sprinkler.  He didn't actually get that brand of sprinkler, but it's a pretty nice one that's great for having kids run through while also watering the grass.

There was so much screaming during this playtime (I was making dinner inside) that I thought at least five other neighbor kids must have joined them for sprinkler fun.  But, no, it was just three of our kids (somehow Natalie didn't get a picture, but she was screaming with the best of them) making all the racket.

The best part of this video is Lukas' reaction...but a close second is Tom's reaction at the very end...wait for it!

1 comment:

Tarah Peacock said...

Ha ha that is funny looks like he moved away in time.