Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer school update

Lukas and Natalie are both loving their summer school programs.  Natalie loves to get on the new big bus (hey, it's like the bigger ride at Disneyland!) and told me her favorite friend from last year is in her class during the summer.  If Ashley is there, everything is all right!  My only complaint is she comes home smelling like the new teacher's perfume...I'm not into perfumes anymore, so it's weird to have them in my house.  Oh well!

The engineering class is definitely fun for Lukas.  He gets to build things with Legos for 3 hours.  Need I say more?  The only thing he's complained about is his back hurts from bending over so much.  But he's figured out how to solve that by doing the "bridge" move from taekwondo (also a yoga move!)

Here's a picture and video from Lukas' class.  Tomorrow is the last day and Tom is taking him since I'm taking Natalie to LA for an ophthalmologist consult, so I told Lukas to tell Tom what special pieces he wants to buy, since you can only (?) get them online and of course online pics and descriptions for small parts are not always clear.  We might have to waive our rule of only Duplos until Dominik is 2...two more years is a long time for Lukas to wait to get real Legos (he does have a small stash that he keeps safe) after taking this class!

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