Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bird's eye view

Here's the scene of one family at the going-to-bed hour:

Tom is reading to four children.  He's reading a favorite that was a gift from Brenda when Lukas was born:  The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.  It's one of the few board books in our house that hasn't been taped back together (I wonder if the publishers of this book used a different process whereby the book stands up to the best efforts of The Happy Ones to destroy all books...out of a love for books, of course!
Dominik thinks watching his brothers is more interesting than looking at the book.
Lukas has to see the pictures while a book is being read, even if it's a board book.
Konrad is a big boy, not wearing any diapers during the day or at night, and no accidents for several weeks...but he still likes that pacy.  Diapers, check! on the list.
Natalie wants to be there while the book is being read, but she wants to read ANOTHER book.  This happens a lot (reading a different book than the one that everyone else is listening to)...I wonder if it happens at school too?
Cindy is taking the picture and applauding Tom for once again doing a great job!

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a great shot and a great husband spending quality time with his kids. They will treasure those moments forever.