Monday, January 7, 2008

So encouraging!

Just when I'm getting a little depressed about Natalie's delays, she pulls out a surprise for us.

Today she was at the clinic for one hour of physical therapy and 30 minutes of speech therapy. When Lukas, Konrad and I came back to pick her up, Caryn, her physical therapist, said Natalie had stood on her own for 13 seconds (a significant increase in her record) and actually took two steps on her own. And on top of that, at one point she said "d" for "done". This is really great! I think her improvement in standing and walking might be because I switched shoes. The shoes she wore today have wider soles, and give her more support while standing.

Natalie still hasn't made consonant sounds for her speech therapist since we've returned from the break in December, but hopefully as she gets comfortable with her again, she'll talk to her as much as she talks to Caryn and us.


Myssie@PendletonMarket said...

Yeah, Natalie! She is doing great Cindy! I totally understand getting depressed about the delays, I do the same thing. I think that she is doing awesome! Keep up the great work Natalie! ~Myssie

Cindy said...

Thanks, Myssie!