Friday, September 12, 2008

Learning from the little brother

Today while Cammie watched Natalie, Lukas came with me as I took Konrad for some studio pictures and to get his 9-month blood screening test (to check for lead and make sure he has good iron levels).

Konrad was a little too was very hard to select the pictures, but I settled on four great ones. I'll share them when I get the online versions. Then after a fun lunch, we went to the lab to get his blood drawn.

You may remember that Lukas did NOT have a great time with his blood test earlier this year, so I prepared him for Konrad having one. Lukas wanted something to plug his ears so he wouldn't hear Konrad crying...he was certain Konrad would cry.

Lo and behold, Konrad didn't cry at all (the phlebotomist was REALLY good...she put the needle in where I didn't see a vein, but she got a vein the first time). It was actually quite funny to tell Lukas that the needle was in Konrad's arm, but he wasn't crying.

You can be sure I used that as a lesson to Lukas that when you struggle and have a fit, it doesn't make anything stop happening, and it makes things worse.

I think Lukas is still scratching his head, so to speak, over Konrad having a blood draw with no crying.

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