Thursday, November 6, 2008


This morning, when Natalie slept in a few minutes and wasn't waking during the normal morning noises, Tom commented, "Maybe it was the antihistamine."

Me: "What antihistamine?"

Tom: "The antihistamine I gave her last night when she was making noise while breathing."

Me: "When did this happen?"

Tom: "At 10:30. I asked you how much Zyrtec to give her, and you told me '5 mls'."

Me: "What are you talking about? I have no memory of that."

Tom: "It was right after we went to bed, and you heard a noise and asked if that was Lukas talking. Then about 15 minutes later, I asked you if I should give her some Zyrtec and you said yes. I asked how much and you said 5 mls."

Me: "Where's the dispenser you used?"

Tom showed me the g-tube connector was wet from being used and washed out (it hasn't been used in over a month, so the fact that it was still wet showed it had been recently used) Tom wasn't imagining things in HIS sleep.

I remember asking about Lukas talking, but I have no memory of the second conversation. I was obviously asleep.

Since no one can tell if the mommy in this house is asleep or awake, I think I should spend all day in bed...I can even dispense dosing advice, so obviously I do just as good a job awake as asleep!



angie said...

That is too funny! Glad to hear that she (and you) slept well:).

Michelle said...

it's the other way around in our house. Ben says the funniest things in his sleep. A week after we were married, he sat up quickly in bed and yelled out our address!

Kelly said...

Wow...I sleep walk so nothing intelligent comes out of my mouth then.
You are a great mom awake or asleep!

Kelly W.

Tom said...

Don't tell Cindy, but I am going to ask her the balance in our bank account tonight. I'll let you know if she gets it right.

Tom :>)