Wednesday, November 19, 2008

His new friend

Konrad is weaned.

Here's a picture with his new friend (although he doesn't look particularly happy in this picture, he is very happy with his sippy cup...he also still loves his pacifier.)

Yesterday I went out and bought 4 more sippy cups so we have enough for two kids (I only wash sippy cups once a day). This morning I ordered those name-band thingamajigs to put around the cup so we know whose is whose.

I now have 2 gallons of whole milk and 2.5 gallons of 2% milk in the fridge (that's five 1-gallon bottles, in case you weren't counting--milk is cheaper in our area if you buy two gallons of the same kind of milk at the same time).

In addition to milk, he is also happy to drink watered-down apple juice.

I'm happy and at the same time sad to leave this stage behind.

In another two weeks, I'll only be happy.


Anonymous said...

He is already off the bottle? Good job Conrad. Looks like fun on the swing..

Cindy said...

Konrad only took the bottle a couple of times when he was 2-3 months old...too much trouble to pump. He went straight from breastfeeding to a sippy cup.