Thursday, January 22, 2009

Late but here!

We still get excited about all the new things Konrad does every day, even though he's the third child and things happen a lot more quickly than they did with Natalie...but that doesn't mean that we actually take video of it the moment it happens. So, a little late, I'm providing evidence of Konrad's walking prowess. He actually walks 10-20 steps many times throughout the day, but I thought this snippet of video was too cute not to also shows Lukas' fascination with boxes having second lives as a craft project, and there's a brief glimpse of Natalie in the background.

Konrad, you're the star today!


Anxious AF said...

Something real cute about those limes hitting the floor! Way to go sweet boy!

Michelle said...

I just love watching videos of your kids. They're too cute! I gave Andrew a big box to play with today (and color on) and instead of doing what I expected (coloring or using his imagination!) he just kicked it over and over. LOL oh well!

Rachel said...

What a cute video! :)

Anonymous said...

Good job Konrad.. Maybe he could teach Noah now...

The Peacock Family said...

He is really cute, looks like he is having fun with those limes. Love his little smile and wave.