Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Natalie's first dental visit

Natalie saw the dentist for the first time today. It's a pediatric dentist, so they're quite centered around making the kid comfortable. There was a cartoon video to watch about a dinosaur getting his first check up (the adolescent T-Rex had 249 or something teeth). Natalie didn't want to sit in the patient chair, so I lay back in it and had her laying on top of me.

When the doctor came in, he asked me a few questions, then asked me to hold her arms while he looked in her mouth. She resisted, but it wasn't terrible. The good news was that he found no holes or dark spots, so there's no push to get x-rays or anything.

We talked about the dental issues peculiar to RTS, and I knew he had at least read about the syndrome, because after he checked her mouth, he said, "Here, let me check something," and examined one of her thumbs. It's funny how I almost think Natalie is being treated like a freak for a dentist to look at her thumbs. Is that weird? I don't mind when people ask to look at her thumbs or toes, but he acted sort of like it was part of his dental examination.

I'll get over it! I'm just happy Natalie's teeth are healthy.


Anonymous said...

How ironic. Noah just had his first dental visit today. I was a little uncomfortable myself because the same thing happened to me with the thumbs. I actually really liked the pediatric dentist but I was caught a little off guard at times by certain questions that I didnt' expect from a dentist.

Kelly said...

I am so glad that appointment went well!

I had a doctor tell me once that in med school they remember RTS by calling it Rubenstein "Thumbee". I guess people just want to see what the text books are talking about...

Kelly W.