Saturday, June 27, 2009

VBS Days 4 and 5

Day 4, we had a bounce house at VBS for outdoor activity, so that made my job much easier (no planning)...and there were no casualties! Whoo hoo!

For Day 5, I remembered the camera but forgot to put the memory card in it before we left home, so no pictures of the water play day. :(

Afterward, Joanne hosted a very fun pool party at her home. I was pleased that Lukas practiced his swimming skills several times during the afternoon, and I also got Natalie to "swim" a little too.

Konrad wanted to stay with me and not go with Doris, which meant he was climbing on me to stay out of the water, but wanted me to hold him...two competing goals.

And it was exciting to see that the kids are getting to be old enough to do something exciting after 1 pm (Natalie and Konrad's normal naptime). We stayed at the pool party until 2:45, and then Natalie and Konrad collapsed into sleep on the way home. By next summer, we might be able to do more afternoon activities without naps, maybe once a week.

1 comment:

Terri H-E said...

Fun. Yes, this is our first napless summer and I am enjoying the freedom very much. We can actually pick TWO outings instead of squeezing everything into the morning.

She does doze at dinner every so often, though...