Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Heard yesterday...

...at The Happy Ones:

Lukas:  It's only four days until Christmas.  We need to catch up.
Cindy:  What do we need to catch up on?
Lukas:  On presents.  It's only four days until Christmas.
Cindy:  But there are presents under the tree, Lukas.  What do you mean?
Lukas (who does not read this blog):  But there aren't enough presents under the tree.
Cindy:  Well, there might be more presents that appear under the tree before Christmas.
Lukas:  Oh, ok.

Tom and I are not wrapping these presents.  We're going to send the kids on a treasure hunt to eventually find these things in Tom's van.

Ok, I might wrap the new sheets and duvet covers.  BTW, for those who guessed "bunk beds"...you're half right.  Lukas and Konrad are getting a bunk bed and Natalie's getting a new big girl bed.  Lots to put together!

1 comment:

Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

make sure to take pictures i'm sure the kids will love there gifts... it sounds like a lot of fun to have a treasure hunt! =)