Monday, March 15, 2010

When I love the time change

I've ranted about the silliness and difficulties of the U.S. time change to "save daylight"...I actually like it when we switch to daylight savings time because we get to use more of the daylight.  Like playing in our backyard after dinner, which we did tonight for the first time in months, because of course, it was still light outside after dinner.

The fun this evening definitely made up for the rough night I had last night:  first Konrad awoke at midnight and wanted to be held for 10 minutes before going back to sleep (but at least he didn't wake again).  Then Natalie woke up and started chatting with her dolls in her bed at 3 a.m.  For the next hour, she would start chatting again as soon as I had drifted back to sleep in our own bed.  Of course, I'm paranoid that she's going to wake up Lukas and Konrad now that they're all in the same room, so I get up and tell her to whisper to her dolls.  When she did this occasionally in her own room, she didn't bother anyone but Tom and me.  Thankfully, Tom got me started on a good nap during lunch, which I was able to continue until Natalie's bus arrived this afternoon.

After a second round of Lukas needing breathing treatments at night last week (after a full week of middle-of-the night breathing treatments a month ago--due to cold-induced asthma) I'm a little anxious to be caught up with my sleep before the baby arrives.  We're also praying that everyone stays healthy for the next month, because I remember I was in the middle of a cold when Natalie was born, and that was not fun.

Anyway, here are the fun pictures from tonight!

All three kids still fit in the sand box, for about two minutes.

And then there's the dirt pit.

Natalie wanted to see a picture of Natalie in the camera viewfinder.  Here it is!

Konrad is watching Tom change out the water in the fountain.

Our avocado tree is COVERED in blossoms.  This is supposed to be an "on" year (avocados fruit heavily every other year).  Guacamole!

And the new rose bushes we planted last month are already blooming!

Today was a "bad clip day"...Natalie wouldn't keep a hair clip in her hair no matter how many times I put it in.  But it was a "great smile day!"


Brandi said...

I love to see your kids playing together...OUTSIDE! We are starting to get a taste of it, it think we hit a high of 58 yesterday :)

Natalie looks like such a big girl in that last picture...even without her clip. I love that picture!

We may be planning a trip down to Disneyland in early fall. Is there a time, weather wise, that is better than others? And of course, we want to meet you and your family while we are down there!

Cindy said...

We can't wait to meet you too, Brandi! September can still be hot, as can October...but there are some cool days once in a while. It's really hard to plan in advance for a week that would be more comfortable than others. But at least I can give you a 99% guarantee that it won't rain! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the last picture. Everyone looks so grown up to me . Hope you get rest.