Tom and I arrived at the hospital on Wednesday for Dominik's 9 a.m. scheduled induction. We learned that they were short staffed that morning, so they were waiting for more nurses to arrive that had been called in. Maybe more babies wanted to be born on Cinco de Mayo than normal? With Konrad's 9 a.m. induction, I was hooked up to the baby-nudging medicines by 9:45 a.m. For Dominik, it was almost 11 a.m. But Tom and I were there to keep each other company and we had fun talking until our nurse arrived. After he broke my water, my doctor prayed with us for God's hand in the delivery.
I made a specific request to the anesthesiologist to not give me a full dose for my height/weight since the last time I had such a good experience with a lighter dose (I even asked them to check the hospital records for what the dose was the last time). But this anesthesiologist didn't decrease my dose, and sure enough I ended up with one leg completely asleep. We tried different things (spending more time on the side with the leg that was still awake), until I asked the nurse to ask the doctor to decrease the dose. She found him, busy with another patient, and he told her we could turn off the epidural for one hour. Great!
She turned the epidural off.

After about 30 minutes of the epidural off, I was starting to feel contractions (I hadn't been feeling anything) but it was still mild pain. I called her at about 50 minutes and asked to have the epidural turned back on, even though I still couldn't feel my leg, because I was concerned that with the rate the contraction pain was returning, I wouldn't have enough happy medicine in my system when the baby was ready to arrive. That green button in the picture is the button I pushed to get a little extra happy medicine before Dominik arrived.
As she was there turning on the epidural again, the nurse asked if I had been feeling any need to bear down. I said I was feeling a lot closer to the end and she said, "I should probably check you." But for some reason she didn't, and left the room.
Ten minutes later, I thought "she really should have checked me!" so I called her in, she checked me, and said, "Ok, the baby is further down." then... "Wow, you're ready to go!"
"I'm fully dilated?"
"Yes! Let's go!"
But wait, I didn't have enough epidural in my system yet! She said the baby is ready to come. I asked her to page the doctor and see if we could get more happy medicine in my system before it was time. I turned off the movie I'd been watching to pass the time (Julie and Julia). Then Dominik's heart rate started to drop.
Not a good thing!

But then my doctor arrived and Dominik was born with just two pushes. Someone said, "he's beautiful!" and someone else said, "he's perfect!" I got to hold him and wipe him for a few minutes before they took him across the room to get super-duper suctioning to get all the meconium out of his lungs. He was screaming a lot, so I knew he was ok...I didn't realize until later that the reason he was screaming so much was because he was getting suctioned.

Dominik took a little while to latch on, but finally figured it out. He nursed well the first night, but the next morning I had to work hard to wake him up enough to be interested in nursing. Now that he's two days old, he's doing great. Overall, he's sleeping well and eating well.
And his siblings really love him! But this post is long enough and I have a baby to feed, so more stories tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and kind wishes. We are having a great time with our new Happy One!
Congratulations! Praise God for giving you another precious little one!
Wonderful...thanks for the story! So glad things are cruising right along with number 4!!!
Kelly W.
HE is so beautiful Cindy. I'm so happy for all of you.
Yeah! Thanks for sharing! You can definately tell he's going to look like his brothers!
Nice to meet youguys...Im a newbie to this blogging community and was browsing and stumbled across yours, what caught my eye was your sweet little special needs daughter(i hope thats the correct term) I have such a special place in my heart for those children and want to someday somehow donate my time :) what a precious family you have with such uplifting entries, congrats on your new healthy edition to your Happy family happy mother's day & God Bless :)
Thank you for sharing the story with us! :)
Praise the Lord and Happy Mother's day!
Love and blessings,
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