Friday, July 2, 2010

When I Be Four!

If you talk to Konrad at all these days, sometime during the conversation, he will exclaim, "When I be four!"  What he's so excited about is Lukas' old bike on a shelf in the garage, waiting for Konrad to turn four and be big enough to ride it (Konrad will probably be big enough to ride it before he's four, but why change his perception?)  He started riding Lukas old trike before he turned 2.5, while Lukas only received the trike when he was three, and took some time to be confident on it.

Now Konrad has started saying, "When I be six!"  Lukas asked to learn how to play chess recently, so we got a chess set and have started teaching him the moves (I remember learning when I was five or six too!)  And of course Konrad wants to learn to play chess...he asks for it at least once a day.  We've told him he can learn to play when he's six.  With a brother who's learning how to play, Konrad will probably learn before he's six, but that works for now.

His other recent request is "I want to cook!"  He made cookies with me on Father's Day, and was a little perturbed when he woke up from his nap yesterday to realize he got left out of the cookie making process (Lukas and I made them yesterday).  So I promised he would help me with dinner.  Here he is helping to make pasta (appropriately wearing an apron with pasta shapes on it!)

Check out that new food processor in the background!  Sheri gave it to me (she wasn't using it!) and it was new in the box.  I haven't figured out where I'm going to store it, but I love love love having a large food processor (even though I haven't used it yet).  My mini chopper just wasn't cutting it (excuse the pun!) any more.

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