So I pushed the subject and said, "Konrad, you still wear diapers. Does Daddy wear diapers?" "No!" "Does Mommy wear diapers?" "NO!" "Does Lukas wear diapers?" "No!" "Konrad, I have underwear for you...would you like to wear it?" "Yes!"
The morning started with drinking and sitting. I got him to sit every 15-20 minutes, and then he would have an accident right after he'd been sitting. So after three accidents, I decided he and I would both sit in the bathroom until he had a success. This required lots of books and animated reading, but we did it.
Somewhere in there I also fed Dominik. And for about the first 90 minutes, I also had Natalie in more work than one, right? Wrong! ;) Two accidents mean two times the clothes to change.
But Konrad finally had a success, and then another one at the end of the day.
Day two: he woke up dry in his overnight diaper and had NO ACCIDENTS all day long, even though we spent more than 2 hours away from home while Natalie was at therapy. He tried to use the toilet at three stores and was successful at one of them! Tom and I couldn't believe it!
Day three: he had a wet accident, then he actually asked to leave the breakfast table to use the potty, and put his poop where it's supposed to go! Then another wet accident and I was anxious for him to sit until he had success.
And so it goes. There is no turning back! My boy is growing up. I am so looking forward to cutting down on our diaper budget. I left the RTS Conference convinced that I should start potty training Natalie, too, but Konrad will be easier, so once he's done I'll move on to Natalie...hopefully before she starts school, but there can also be some assistance from her school on the project. I have purchased a large number of underwear for both Konrad and Natalie, and am ready for the laundry that the project entails!
And Konrad might be done before we start homeschool at the end of the month.
How exciting! Once Jack is born I'll be back to changing 2 kids in diapers but I'm still so thankful Andrew is potty trained now! Andrew got the hang of it in 3 days which was so huge after things taking so long to learn with Austin. Austin ends his summer school on Tuesday and I'm tempted to try with him. He has 3 weeks off between summer school and the first day of school. My only issue is I have to lift him (bad balance issues) and that's nearly impossible now that I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant!
That is awesome!
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