Thursday, September 16, 2010

The after-report

We did it!  We survived the EEG (really, the prep for it is what takes surviving).  I was expecting to be pulling Natalie out of bed all day, but she surprised me and kept moving and didn't beg to take a nap.  Now me, I was begging for a nap after getting up with Dominik a couple times because of teething, then getting up with Natalie at 4 a.m.  Actually, we have Dominik to thank that we got up at the right time because my alarm clock didn't go off.  Yes, I set it, and yes, the alarm was on, but I guess the batteries are so worn down that it doesn't ring...shows how much I use an alarm clock.  My children are my alarm clock!  Dominik woke me at 4:18 and I gave him Tylenol and then got Natalie up.

To let the rest of the house sleep, Natalie and I read books, she spelled words on the fridge (she spelled "book" backwards, verbally B-O-O-K, but put the letters in place from right to left...I have to work with her on reading from left to right).  She also spelled mom and said it was moon.  Then Konrad woke about 5:30 and asked to watch Mighty Machines.  They're only on during the weekend, but I still gave in and turned on the television until Tom got up a few minutes later.

And homeschool actually went pretty well!  Natalie went back to her routine of doing puzzles and reading at the table while I worked with Lukas.  Tom came home for lunch, then we left Lukas and Konrad at home with Aime (Amy) and took Natalie and Dominik to CHOC.  I sat in the backseat with Natalie and made sure she didn't fall asleep.  She never got close to sleeping, but I know if I hadn't been there, she would have slept for sure.  But it was a lot easier than I expected!

Setting up for the EEG, however, was more challenging.  I didn't realize until we got home that this was the first time that a medical professional had really TALKED TO Natalie.  Usually procedures involve sedation, so there's not much talking to her besides "hi honey, how are you? let me put a mask on you, good night."  The EEG tech showed Natalie the wires she would attach to Natalie's head and said several times "it will not hurt, no ouchie today."  I know Natalie understood, but she still wasn't cooperating!  Another tech came in and they rolled her in a blanket (like a straightjacket) to keep her arms still and I sang to Natalie while the tech attached the wires to her head with this goupy stuff, then wrapped her head in gauze to keep everything in place.

Natalie cried through it all, but since she was good and tired, she went to sleep right away.  Then after about 20 minutes of asleep EEG readings, we woke her up so there could be awake EEG readings.  Of course I forgot the camera, so the only picture is after we got home, but before Natalie's bath, with her hair still sticky from the stuff the tech had mostly removed from her hair.

So it was surprisingly easy.  The tech said it went well since we did our job at depriving her of sleep...when kids aren't sleep deprived, it has to be re-done with sleep deprivation to get a good reading.  Of course we don't know the results...if there's something big where Natalie should have medication right away, we'll find out Monday.  Otherwise, it will be two weeks before our pediatrician gets the results.

Here's to hoping it's two weeks!


Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

I'm hoping with you that you get the results in two weeks, and not monday! Jesus hates the EEG too, i'm glad they dont have to repeat anything :)

Sarah said...

Sorry I missed seeing you guys! I thought I would be downstairs around that time but ended up seeing a patient. Bummer!