Friday, April 16, 2010

She continues to amaze us!

I think I worked with Natalie about a month ago on actually listening to this Leap Frog fridge toy and following the instructions.  I probably spent about 15 minutes doing several words with her, showing her how to "put it in the spot with the blinking light", press the letter, listen for the next letter, then press all three letters when the word is complete.

Then a week or two ago I noticed that she was following the directions all by herself!  I was amazed!  But with her fascination with seeing herself on camera, I had to wait for a time when I could videotape her without her knowledge.  And then last week she started playing with the toy in a different way...putting three letters that are the same in a row.  So now I had to be sure she was actually in the mood to play the game properly.

Yesterday when I walked into the kitchen I saw she had spelled "mix" and that was the word coming out of the toy, so I grabbed the camera and captured her "spelling" "bus".  I'm a little bummed that it's such a common word as "bus", because she actually does follow the directions to spell any three-letter word, but hey, you get to see her following directions, and then her little happy dance at the end.

And then she switched to her silly game:


Brandi said...

Wow! That brought tears to my eyes! I am so impressed with her continued growth. I absolutely lover her comments and expressions after each command. Great job Natalie!

Terri H-E said...

I don't know which is more dazzling - her following directions and spelling or the fact that she didn't even think of opening and getting in the freezer (as Addie would)!

She's a clever one, no doubt!

Anonymous said...

awesome. What is that toy called? Noah is beginning to recognize some of the alphabet and that looks like something he might like. He loves the refrigerator too..Way to go Natalie.

Cindy said...

Kristi, it's called the LeapFrog "Word Whammer", which I think isn't made anymore (I only found a few on the shelf when I bought it last year). They now make a new version called LeapFrog "Fridge Words" which uses lowercase letters (ours uses uppercase), but I think it's the same thing...just an updated version.

Terri, IF Natalie knew where the ice cream was stored, this might be a problem (I'm not going to tell her for a while!) But she would also have to increase her strength quite a bit...even Lukas has a hard time opening the freezer.